Golden Visa News

Updates about new Hungarian immigration law

Happy New Year! The new immigration Hungary has come into force on 1 January 2024. This means that this year you will able to apply for 10-year Hungarian residency. If you want to, you can bring your family too, meaning your spouse and underage children.

Hungarian golden visa from July

In line with previous communication, application for the new golden visa program will be possible from July 2024. There is a chance that the investment itself can be made sooner so you can more easily proceed with the application. However, we are still waiting on information about how that will work.

We understand that you are eager to proceed! We are too. However, we all have to wait for official instructions on exactly what type of investment will be admissible. Of course, the main features of the program are not expected to change until July.

  • EUR 250,000: Purchase of bonds issued by a real estate fund registered by the Hungarian National Bank (MNB)
  • EUR 500,000: Buy residential real estate in Hungary and keep it for at least 5 years
  • EUR 1,000,000: Donate to a designated educational or cultural institution

Most probably there will also be an official processing fee to go with this. We will let you know as soon as it is announced.

Other changes to the Hungarian Immigration Law

If you want to learn more about the rest of the most important changes to the Hungarian Immigration Law, check our previous article for a summary. Alternatively, you can read some of the most frequently asked questions here, grouped by topic.

  1. Who the new law is relevant to
  2. Expiring permits
  3. Business Immigration
  4. Family Unification
  5. Student visas
  6. Procedures still available at the Immigration Office
  7. Work permits

Got questions?

Our team is doing their best to provide accurate and accessible information to everyone interested in immigration to Hungary. Should you have any questions, watch this space for the latest updates on the Hungarian golden visa program, or write us an email to learn more.

Our team has almost 20 years of experience supporting expats in Hungary. We would be happy to help you too!

DISCLAIMER: The information on this page is provided as general information only and it reflects the personal opinion of the authors. Nothing on this website constitutes investment advice or an investment offer as defined by Act CXXXVIII of 2007 (“Investment Service Act”), 4.§. (8) and (9). The content should not be used for financial or investment decisions, and it is not a personalized investment analysis. The information is provided without warranty of any kind. The authors, publishers and editors take no responsibility for any direct and indirect damage resulting from the use of the content of this site.